What We Do
We at the Columbia Law School's Center on Global Governance are proud to introduce our new co-director Lori Damrosch, who in October 2019 joined Michael Doyle. Previously, since its inauguration, Richard Gardner also served with fellow former diplomat, Columbia University Professor Michael Doyle, as co-director of the Law School’s Center on Global Governance until his retirement. Since its founding in 2003, the center has run a public speaker series featuring distinguished members of the international policy community as well as the academy. Gardner and Doyle (who served as assistant secretary-general and special adviser to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan from 2001 to 2003) also hosted dozens of conferences addressing issues including transitional justice in the wake of mass atrocity, international crime and terrorism, the regulation of the multinational enterprise and transnational capital, immigration, and human rights.
Overall the center’s initiatives flow naturally from Columbia Law School’s exceptionally rich curriculum relating to global law issues. Its activities, in turn, affect that curriculum. As part of its regular curriculum, the Columbia Law School offers what is perhaps the largest number of courses and seminars of any U.S. law school, focusing on the challenges emerging from transnational movement of goods, capital, people, or ideas.
Our Support
The center addresses globalization's legal dimensions through diverse interdisciplinary research and scholarship.
Long-term research projects, such as collaborative research with professional disciplines other than law, including economics and philosophy, and other professional schools including the schools of business, journalism, public health, and international and public affairs.
The Center on Global Governance holds periodic conferences and other speaking events at Columbia Law School. Usually, the events take place during the spring and fall semesters with distinguished speakers.
Associations and public policy-oriented projects with other Columbia University centers and programs, including the Earth Institute, the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, and the Institute for Human Rights.
Joint programs with international organizations such as the United Nations.